Friday, December 7, 2007

Classroom Issue 13

Odds and Ends

* THANK YOU to all of the families who brought in gifts for Lutherbrook and our adopted family. Your kindness and generosity helped to make many childrens' holidays bright! We were able to collect an overwhelming amount of gifts and gift cards...we filled 5 boxes/bags! Thank you again for making this service project such a huge success!!

*Box Tops: We are continuing to collect box tops. Please send them in...perhaps our class can keep the lead in having the most collected!

*Winter Weather: Now that the snow and cold winds are here, please remind your child to dress appropriately for school and outdoor recess. We will continue to go out as long as it is not too chilly, wet, or windy. For your child to be allowed to play and roll in the snow, they must have snow pants and boots. They may walk in the snow if they have boots. If they do not have boots on, they must stay on the blacktop during recess. Don't forget to send in mittens, scarves, and hats to keep them toasty and warm! Also, please send in a bag large enough to carry their snow gear. Thanks for your help!

*Japan Day was a fun filled day as we learned about another culture. Thank you to those who sent in treats to share. They were enjoyed by all!
*Friendly Reminder: If you have not already sent in permission slips for bowling and Polar Express, please do so as soon as possible! Thanks!

Upcoming Dates:

*Tues. 12/11: Miss Carlstrom's Math Class: Chapter 3 Test

*Thurs. 12/13: English: Final Draft of Personal Narrative Due (we will do most of the work in class, but if not done in class, will have it for homework)

*Fri. 12/14: Spelling: List 14 Test
Miss Carlstrom's Math Class: 2's Multiplication Timed Test
English: Author's Chair: Share Narratives

Spirit Day: Friday, 12/14 is Prairieview Spirit Day. Show pride in your school by wearing Prairieview gear or our school colors, green and gold!

~A Look At Our Week~

*Math: We are finishing up Chapter 3 this week (adding and subtracting greater numbers). A study guide was sent home on Thursday. The final test will be on Tuesday, 12/11. Our next unit will be chapter 4, time and measurement. We will finish time before winter break.

We have also started multiplication. I sent home a packet of the times tables. We will work on a times table each day, starting with the 2's next week. We practice each day in class, starting on Monday. Every Friday there will be a timed test (for a grade-10 pts). The timed test is 26 problems in 2 minutes. Each week I send home a practice page full of sample problems for that week's number. Please use this sheet to practice timing your child. I can always send additional sheets home for practice. Flashcards also work great! Your child will pass on Fridays if the miss 0 or 1. If they miss more than 1, they will retake the next week (Mon-Thurs), deducting a point each day they retake. Remember if they are retaking the test, they still need to be practicing the new facts for that week. Before break we will work on the 2's and 5's. Thank you for your help and cooperation at home.

*Science: We will be starting a new hands-on unit on the States of Matter next week. This unit involves a lot of experiments where the students will learn the steps of a scientific experiment as we explore the different states of matter.

*Social Studies: We will be taking a break from Social Studies as we focus on Science. The chap 2 test has been graded and will be passed back next week. They did a fantastic job learning about different types of communities!

*Reading: We are continuing to explore Ancient Egypt. We have learned about some important people from Ancient Egypt, including Cleopatra. We will begin reading about one of the most well known Egyptians, King Tut, in a book called Tut's Mummy. This book will allow the students to practice their reading strategies as they learn about a fascinating part of history. The students will also be receiving Egypt vocabulary words they will be responsible for knowing.

*English: The students are doing a fantastic job on their personal narratives. We are almost done with our rough drafts and will begin editing our papers. We will edit and peer edit next week, revise our papers, and have our final drafts done by Thursday so we are ready to share them in the Author's Chair on Friday. This is an exciting time to show off our hard work and great writing!

*Spelling: Next week we will be on List 14, irregular past tense words. There will be a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday. Keep up the wonderful work studying your words!

Thank you for checking out our classroom blog and keeping updated on our classroom happenings! Have a safe and fun weekend in the snow!

Happy Winter~
Miss Carlstrom