Friday, December 14, 2007

Classroom Issue 14

*Odds and Ends*

*Field Trips: Thank you to everyone for sending in their field trip forms for the Polar Express and bowling. Both of these fun trips will take place next week. Please ask your child if they have not yet turned in the forms so you can do so by early next week.

*Roller Skating in Gym: The students will be roller skating in gym class following winter break. Ms. Stainman is looking for parent volunteers to help tie skates. The dates are 1/8-1/22. You can come in as many or as few times as you'd like and you may help in your child's class or any other class. Please email Ms. Stainman or myself if you can help out. Thank you!

*Thank you! Thank you to any parents who baked the delicious cookies enjoyed by all of the staff at this years cookie exchange! I always look forward to this day and love all of the home baked goodies. Thanks!

Upcoming Events!!

We have a busy week ahead =)

*Mon. 12/17: Choir and Band Holiday Concert at 1:15

*Tues. 12/18: Science: Bring in insulator for in class science experiment (ask your child for the cup and note explaining assignment given to them today in class)

*Wed. 12/19: Science: Matter Quiz covering activities 1-5

*Thurs. 12/20: Reading: Egypt Vocab. Test
Math: Chap 4 Time Test
BOWLING in the afternoon

*Fri. 12/21: Reading: Egypt Test
Math: 5's and 10's multiplication timed tests
No spelling test this week!
Polar Express at Tivoli in the afternoon (please pack a sack lunch!)


*Math: We are continuing to work in chapter 4, focusing on time. We will spend most of next week working with elapsed time, a tricky concept for the students. We will test out of time on Thursday, 12/20. We will continue chapter 4 following break, focusing on measurement. They will not be tested on time at the end of chapter 4, only measurement. We will also work on 5's and 10's in multiplication. These are easier facts for the students and we are learning all of the tricks in class =) Please see the note and schedule sent home with your child today about multiplication. The timed test for both the 5's and 10's will be on Friday, 12/21. Thanks!

*Science: We are having a blast learning about the states of matter. We worked on melting ice quickly and next week we will see if we can melt the ice slowly (using insulators), look at gases and liquids, and talk about evaporation. We will do activities 1-5 in class and there will be a short quiz covering the concepts learned in these activities, as well as the steps to an experiment. We will be reviewing a lot in class, playing games, and doing various assignments to help the students understand these areas better. The quiz covering this material will be on Wed. 12/19. A study guide has been sent home to be used to help your child prepare for the quiz. Also, please ask your child about the insulator they will be creating at home using the cup I provided for an experiment on Tuesday. Thanks!

*Spelling: This week we will focus on Egyptian words. There will be no pretest and no final test on Friday. We will work with these words as we work on alphabetical order, cursive writing, and grammar lessons.

*Reading: The students are enjoying reading about the discovery of King Tut's tomb in the book Tut's Mummy. We will focus on Egypt a lot next week as we finish up our Ancient Egypt unit. There will be a short vocabulary graded review on Thurs. 12/20 ( a list of words to know is in their reading folder) and a final test on Fri. 12/21. A study guide will be sent home on Monday. We will spend next week learning more about this fascinating civilization.

*English: The students did a wonderful job on their personal narratives. They loved sharing them in our "Author's Chair" on Friday and I was very impressed with their stories. We will take a short break from English this week as we focus on Egypt.

Have a wonderful weekend!

~Miss Carlstrom