Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dcember 8-12

Odds and Ends

*Holiday Service Project: We are still collecting gifts for our "adopted" family and the children at Family Shelter Services. Please see my previous blog entry (titled Service Project) to see an updated list of what my class and Mr. Trinco's class have collected so far. The last day to turn in gifts is Wed. 12/10. I will be shopping this weekend for this great event!

*Scholastic Book Order: Holiday book orders were due in the classroom today,but its not too late to order online. I will be submitting the order tomorrow in hopes the books can be delivered before winter break. Thank you for helps our classroom earn free books!

*Tivoli Theater Field Trip: Replacing classroom holiday parties this year is a school wide field trip to the historic Tivoli movie theater in downtown Downers Grove. We will be seeing Jim Carey in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". Please send in $3 and the permission slip asap. Thanks!

*Bowling: Third grade gym classes will be going to the bowling alley on 12/15 as an extension of their bowling unit in class. This is a free trip. Please send back the permission slip to allow your child to attend. On the day of the trip, you can send your child with a few dollars to buy a snack at the bowling alley. We will be going in the morning before lunch, so please do not send them with too much money. Thank you!

*Thank you PTO! The students and teachers enjoyed a great assembly called "The Wheel of Wisdom", which was a game show for the students. We had a lot of fun cheering each other on and answering trivia questions. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for providing this fun event.


*Fri. 12/5: No School

*Wed. 12/10: English: Unit 2 Nouns Test

Last day to turn in gifts for Service Project

*Fri. 12/12: Spelling: List 13 Test


Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class:

Thank you to all of the parents who I met with for parent-teacher conferences. It was so great to talk about your child's progress so far this year. If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email me. Thank you for being my "partner in education" and making this a successful year for your child!

*Reading: We will begin to focus on a new strategy next week...making connections. We will be reading The Mysterious Giant of Barletta. We will also begin book groups as we read chapter books to apply all of the strategies we have learned so far. Don't forget...the non-fiction book project of making a book cover is due Wed. 12/17. Thanks!

*English: We will review Unit 2 on nouns Mon. and Tues. The final test will be on Wed. 12/12. Our next unit will be finishing up Unit 5 (which we have been learning through DOL (daily oral language) and narrative writing.

*Spelling: We will be working on List 13 this week. We will have a pretest on Monday and the final test on Friday. This list focuses on the past tense of final y words.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies:

*Science: We will continue to work on science inquiry with the scientific method. We have made vocabulary flashcards...please have your child review them at home. Thanks!

*Social Studies: We will continue reading Chapter 3. Our next focus, lesson 3, is on early immigration to America. This is a great chapter to learn more about each other's culture and heritage. We will be having a "culture day" in Social Studies when we return from winter break. Be on the lookout for a culture day project letter coming home soon!

Mrs.Olsen's Math Class:

*Math: The students have been working on counting coins and comparing money amounts. We will begin working on counting back change from $1, $5 and $10. Please reinforce this concept at home in real world situations. Have your child help count back change at the store and look at ads and see how much money they should get back if the paid with a $1, $5, etc. We will also be working on 5's multiplication all week. The 5's test will be on Friday, 12/12. Thank you for helping your child practice with flashcards, practice tests, and more!
**Check out some money games below! Just click on the name and you can play the game! Learning is fun!!**

Thank you for checking out my blog this week. I hope your child enjoys the long weekend and playing in the SNOW!

= ) Mrs. Olsen