Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 15-19

Odds and Ends

*Bowling Field Trip: We will be going bowling on Monday, 12/15 from 9 -11 am. We will be having lunch back at school that day. If you would like your child to get a small treat at the bowling alley, please send them with a few dollars to school that day. Keep in mind it will be early and we will be having lunch when we get back, so please don't have your child bring too much money! Thanks!
*Holiday Celebration: Instead of a classroom holiday party, the school will be viewing Jim Carey in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" at the Tivoli Theatre on Fri. 12/19. We will be eating lunch in the classroom that day, but hot lunch will be available. Thank you! What a fun treat for all!

*THANK YOU! Thank you to each of you who donated gifts for our "adopted" family and the family shelter. We were able to collect so many gifts (see blog: Service Project for a complete list of gifts). Your kindness and generosity made the holidays bright for so many people. Thank you!!

* Volunteers Needed: Ms. Stainman needs parent volunteers to help tie roller skates during PE classes for third grade. She needs help the week of January 8-January 22. You can come as many or as few of times as you want and can go into any other class or your child's own. We have gym from 1:35-2:00 everyday. You can email her at if you are interested. Thanks for your help.


*Mon. 12/15: 9-11 am Bowling Field Trip

1:15: Holiday Concert

*Wed. 12/17: Reading: Non-Fiction Book Report Due (design your own book cover)
*Fri. 12/19: Holiday Field Trip to Tivoli
Social Studies: Culture Day Idea sheet due today. Culture Day will be Thurs. 1/8/09
*12/22-1/5: No School: Winter Break: Happy Holidays! See you back at school on Jan. 5th 2009!


Mrs. Olsen's Language Arts Class:

*Reading: We are working on connections and making text to text, text to self, and text to world connections as we read a variety of stories. We are also working to apply all of the strategies we have learned so far as we work in book groups. Don't forget, the non-fiction book project is due Wed. 12/17. Your child needs to make a book cover for the book they read. Please see the rubric to see the exact requirements. If your child needs paper, please have them see me. Thanks!

*English: We finished our nouns unit. We will be working to finish DOL, which covers Unit 5: Grammar and Punctuation. We will be working on creative writing this week as well.

*Spelling: Due to the shortened week, we will not having spelling this week.
We will focus on word work instead.

Mrs. Olsen's Science and Social Studies:

*Science: The students are working hard on learning about scientific inquiry and the scientific method. I have decided that I will NOT have a comprehensive test covering this material. We will finish up this chapter next week with an open book review on the scientific method. We will work with the vocab. and concepts next week to prepare.
*Social Studies: We are busy working on Ch. 3. We will work on lesson 3 and lesson 4 before break. We will not be testing BEFORE break, but we will finish the unit and take the test after break. I sent home information regarding Culture Day, which will be on Thurs. Jan 7th. Please review this information with your child. I hope this will be a fun project sharing family stories, history, and tradition!

Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:

*Math: The students are hard at work learning to count back change. I will focus on adding and subtracting money next week. We will have a graded "checkpoint" on Thurs, covering what we learned about money. We will then begin time when we return from break. Although time and money are in the same chapter, I will be testing the concepts separately. We will also work multiplication next week, focusing on the 3's. The timed test on 3's will be on Thurs. 12/18 since we will not have math on Friday due to the field trip. Thank you for all of your hard work practicing these concepts at home!

I appreciate all of your support this year! Thank you for helping your child succeed!

~Mrs. Olsen