Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week of 9/12

Odds and Ends:

*Science textbook now available online: Our class is signed up and ready to go. Please go to Click on science and health. Then click HSP science. Choose Illinois and Center Cass District 66 and Prairieview School. The user name is your student's code when using parent connect. I will email you the password to use. Please let me know if you need any additional help viewing our textbook online!

*Thank you to all of the families who have donated items for our classroom! It is much appreciated!

*Scholastic Book Order: September book orders were sent home this week. The order is due online or to the classroom (please send CHECK only if not ordering online..NO CASH) by Friday, 9/23. Our class earns free books when you order safely online. Thank you!


*Mon. 9/12: Magazine Drive Kick off: Look for information packets coming home Monday.
Spelling: List 3 Pretest

*Thurs. 9/15: English: Ch. 1: The Sentence Test
Band Concert

*Fri. 9/16: Spelling: List 3 Test


*Reading: Next week we will continue to teach the students how to utilize the essential reading strategies. In our classes we will demonstrate how the application of these strategies will maximize student comprehension of a range of literary materials.

*English: We will focus on subject and predicate this week, as well as run-on sentences. The final ch. 1 test will be Thurs. 9/15. A study guide was sent home today. Your child can bring home his/her textbook any night before the test to study, as long as they bring the book back each school day.

*Spelling: This week we will work on list 3: more short vowel words. There will be a pretest on Monday and a final test on Friday. Each group will be given 3 homework assignments that will be due on Friday.

*Social Studies: We have finished up our lessons on directions and the compass rose. Ask your child about the fun scavenger hunt we had around school this week. We will begin our study on continents and oceans this week.

*Science: Coming soon!

*Math: We will continue to work on addition, focusing on adding greater numbers and regrouping. We will also continue to work on our addition facts. Keep practicing them at home! The ch. 3 test is tentatively scheduled for Mon. 9/19.

Have a wonderful fall weekend!
Mrs. Olsen