Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week of 9/26-9/30

Odds and Ends:

*Johnny Appleseed's Birthday: We will celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Monday, Sept. 26th. A note was sent home with your child about bringing a PEELED, CORED, and SLICED apple to class in a baggie or container on Monday. We will use it to make homemade applesauce. Thank you to the following families for donating our supplies for Monday's celebration:The Nichols family for spoons, the Messina family for bowls, and the Cigrand family for juice! Thanks!

*Magazine Drive: Turn in dates for this week: Tues. 9/27 and Thurs. 9/30.


*Mon. 9/26: Johnny Appleseed's Birthday: Send in a peeled, cored, and sliced apple to school!
Spelling: List 5 pretest

*Fri. Spelling: List 5 test
September Reading 30 minutes calendar due: 20 days signed for full credit! You can also turn this in on Monday, 10/3.


*Reading:Next week we will continue to highlight summarizing and sequencing using materials differentiated for our classroom's various reading levels, and will be extending our knowledge through written responses. We will also assess our third graders on their ability to sequence events from text.

*English: We will work on learning about the 6 traits of writing. We will begin our 5 paragraph essay this week and present the finished product by the end of the week. Your child should be completing the ME bag at home by bringing in 3 items that represent their life and personality to school in their brown paper bag (we started decorating the bags in class on Friday). These items are due on Monday.

*Spelling: This week we will focus on list 5. Pretest will be Monday. Homework and test will be on Friday.

*Social Studies: We will focus on hemispheres, the equator, prime meridian, and poles this week.

*Science: We will continue to work on ch. 4 ecosystems this week.

*Math: We will work on ch. 4 subtraction this week. We will also begin subtraction timed tests. They will be handled in the same way as we did addition. We will spend several days practicing the tests before they are counted as a grade.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen