Friday, February 7, 2014

Week of 2/10

Odds and Ends:

*Valentine's Day Party: We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Fri. 2/14 with a classroom party. The party will be from 1:30-2:20. Your child received a note about the Cardboard Challenge in which they will be working to create a container to be used as their Valentine collection "mailbox". We watched a video on a boy named Caine who created arcade games using cardboard and every day objects as inspiration.

You can view the video here:

Please feel free to email me with any questions. Your child should bring their container on Fri. 2/14.
Also, if they would like to pass out Valentine's to their classmates, we ask that they have enough for everyone in our class. We have 18 students: 9 boys and 9 girls. Thank you!


*Mon. 2/10: PBIS Assembly at 10: 00
English: Ch. 4 adjectives test
Scholastic Book Order Due

* Thurs. 2/13: 100th day of school!

*Fri. 2/14: Happy Valentine's Day!
Cardboard Challenge Due
Spelling: List 16 test
Math: 7's multiplication and division test


*Reading: We will continue our literature groups as we read our winter themed novels. We will look at the facts included in this fiction stories. We will also work on fact and opinion and compare and contrast.

*English: We will be wrapping up our ch. 4 unit with our final test on Mon. 2/10. A study guide and practice test was sent home this week.  We had a blast at our adjective fashion show! What a fun way to review!  Our next unit will be friendly letter writing and how to writing.

* Spelling: We will work on list 16 this week.

*Social Studies: We will begin our next unit on Chicago soon!

* Science: We will continue to work on ch. 12 Energy. This week we linked matter and energy together as we made our own ice cream. Ask your child about states of matter, what type of change took place (physical or chemical) and what kind of energy was needed to create our cold, yummy treat! Thank you to the Cimbalista family for providing our class with a gallon of milk to do the project.

*Math: We will continue to work on ch. 8 with a focus on multiplying and dividing by 7's and 8's this week. The focus will be on 7's. The fluency test on 7's multiplication and division will be on Fri. 2/14. It is very important that your child studies their math facts each night, especially now that we are working with more difficult numbers. They are doing a great job!

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Olsen