Friday, February 28, 2014

Week of 3/3

Odds and Ends:

ISATs: Testing will begin for ISATs this week. I will post the schedule of our tests below. We are looking for volunteers to donate a healthy snack and/or drink to the class to be used during testing. If you are interested in helping us out, please send in a snack and or drink next week. Please send in enough for each child. We have 18 students. We also have nut and gluten (wheat, rye, barley) allergies, so please consider these when shopping. Thank you!

Conferences: An email was sent out by your child's math teacher for spring conferences. Conferences will be held the week of 3/10 with your child's math teacher on an as needed basis.

Maternity Sub: I am happy to announce my maternity leave sub. Miss Angela Simoncelli will be taking over my classroom beginning Monday, March 24th. My last attendance day is Friday, March 21st, unless the baby makes an early appearance! Angela is a certified teacher who is currently an aide on our 5th grade team. She was an aide last year in 3rd grade and I had the pleasure of working with her for part of the day last year. She is familiar with the 3rd grade curriculum and my classroom set up, so the transition will be wonderful. She will be visiting our classroom from time to time before I leave to meet the students and observe how our classroom operates. I am thrilled to have her take over and know the children will be in good hands.  Her and I will be in contact through out my leave and I am planning on visiting the classroom towards the end of the year to help with end of the procedures, etc.


*Fri. 2/28: No School: Teacher Institute

*Mon. 3/3: Reading: February Reading Calendars Due

*Tues. 3/4: ISAT: Reading Test I: 10-11 am
Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!

*Wed. 3/5: ISAT: ISAT Reading Test II 10-11 am
Happy Birthday, Chicago!

*Thurs. 3/6: ISAT Math Test I 10-11 am


*Reading: We will continue to practice finding text evidence as we write extended responses. We will also work on our biography unit. March reading calendars were passed out. They are due the Friday before Spring Break, 3/28.

*English: We will work on our narrative writing unit.

*Spelling: Due to ISATs, we will not have spelling this week. We will focus on vocabulary building and working on affixes and root words.

*Science: We will begin our unit on Space (Ch. 10).

*Social Studies: We will continue our study of Chicago, looking back at some historic moments that define  our great city.

*Math: We will continue our study of time in ch. 11. We will also do some quick concept reviews of area, perimeter, polygons, and types of lines and angles.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen