Friday, April 12, 2019

Week of 4/15

Odds and Ends: 

IAR testing is done! The kids worked hard and I am so proud of them! Way to go!

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* Thurs. 4/18:  Early Dismissal at 11

*Fri. 4/19: No School: Happy Easter

Image result for image of one and only ivan

*Reading: We are continuing to read The One and Only Ivan. It is such a great story! We are talking about figurative language, point of view, and inferencing as we read and discuss the story.

*Spelling: A new word sort and activities will be sent home Mon. 4/15. The test and activities will be due on Fri. 4/26.

*Social Studies: We have been learning so much about the Great Chicago Fire. We have read about it from several different sources and watching some fascinating videos about the fire. We are writing stories about the fire from Mrs. O'Leary's cow's point of view. We will also be working on making brochures about cool places to visit in Chicago.

Image result for image of geometry* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are busy learning all about the attributes of different polgyons in geometry. There is SO much vocabulary in this unit, so please ask your child about the new math words and what they mean: words like acute angles, obtuse angles, right angles, perpendicular, parallel, quadrilateral, vertex, and more.  These are not "everyday" words, but they are present in everyday life. Go on an "angle" hunt in your home and find examples of the different angles. Same with lines...can your child find perpendicular and parallel lines in their everyday worlds? The more they practice, the more they will understand these concepts. Thanks!

We will also work on 4's division this week with a test on Mon. 4/22 due to the shortened week.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen