Friday, April 26, 2019

Week of 4/29

Odds and Ends:

Image result for thank you !
Thank you to everyone who came out to Open House! It was so great to see everyone and the students were so PROUD to show off their hard work. Great job students!


*Mon. 4/29 and Wed. 5/1: Fountas and Pinnell reading test

* Fri. 5/3: Spelling: test and 3 activities due
Math: 7's division test


*Reading: We will continue to read The One and Only Ivan. Ask your child about this amazing story! We are also going to focus on finding the meaning of unknown words using context clues.

*Spelling: We will work on activities in school next week, but please check with your child on their progress. With open house this week, we did not spend much time working on spelling during the school day. The activities and test are due on Fri. 5/3.

Image result for image of solar system*Science: We've enjoyed talking about our planet, climate change, and the universe as we are studying the solar system. Our planet trading cards are looking great! Students will be sharing these as they complete them next week.

* Social Studies: We will continue to work on the last part of our Chicago unit. We will focus on more modern day Chicago. The students made travel brochures for modern day travel spots in the city. They will share them with their classmates next week.

* Mrs. Olsen's Math Class: We are continuing our study of geometry and will work on perimeter next week. We will also focus on 7's division.

Have a great weekend (hopefully not a SNOWY one!)

Mrs. Olsen